Thursday, August 12, 2010

final post

1. When I first signed up for this course I did not have any idea what to expect. When I first saw the syllabus and the materials we needed, I thought one thing... "Oh boy". I am the least artistic person I like to believe, and mess up drawing a stick figure. But as the course went on and with the materials we used creating the logos and water color was very fun.
2. When I first thought of art, art museums, paintings and colors came to mind. Now after taking this course and learning about the history, along with other forms of art such as digital art, I was surprised to say that art is used in pretty much everything down to the cereal box I open every morning.
3. My view on art has changed. I really never gave it a chance. I always thought it was the same thing just created by a different artist. After completing our exhibit projects and being able to search for a theme which I wanted and saw the different forms of art that sparked my interest. I was not in to the whole landscape or mother nature, I chose a more active theme which allowed me to express what I enjoy. I really liked seeing what the artist I used in my project created and captured in his photos. He may not be famous or anything but his name was Paul Walsh.
4. I enjoy taking online classes a lot. It gives the student more freedom and seems like it is more one on one with the professor. My answer was the same as before. I enjoy being able to sign on when I feel I want to accomplish the assignment rather then having to drive to school and sit in a classroom

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